No universo denim, nem todo valor é visível a olho nu. Alguns legados são vistos apenas pelo coração dos denim lovers. O selvedge denim é um deles, fruto de um processo de fabricação icônico, que fala das origens mais genuínas e honestas do denim.
\nJogo americano 50x35 - 2und.
\nPorta copo 11,5x11,5 - 2und.
\nBag especial 21,5x19,5
\nSelvedge (ou selvage) é o denim produzido em máquinas de teares antigos, reproduzindo seu modo de fabricação original. Aquele mesmo, da época em que o jeans era usado apenas para a indumentária de trabalho, antes de se tornar um ítem de moda global.
O denim selvedge é mais durável, possui acabamento superior e visual mais limpo. É por isso que ele não desfia, tampouco deforma; e indiscutivelmente possui qualidade superior, se comparado com as tiragens dos teares modernos.
\n\nNos primórdios da manufatura do jeans Japonês, essas listras laterais (mais comum em tom vermelho e branco), eram usadas como uma espécie de tag de identificação, que diferenciavam as manufaturas de fabricação de denim, criando uma acabamento próprio e único.
\n\nSelvedge denim tem sido a escolha ideal de tecido dos fabricantes de jeans premium em todo o mundo. E com certeza é um objeto de desejo que paira na mente dos denim lovers.
\n\nIn the denim universe, not every value is visible to the naked eye. Some legacies are seen only by the hearts of denim lovers. Selvedge denim is one of them, the result of an iconic manufacturing process, which speaks of the most genuine and honest origins of denim.
\nAmerican game 50x35 - 2und.
\n11,5x11,5 cup holder - 2und.
\n21,5x19,5 special bag
\nSelvedge (or selvage) is denim produced on old loom machines, reproducing its original manufacturing method. The same one, from the time when jeans were used only for work clothes, before becoming a global fashion item.
Selvedge denim is more durable, has a superior finish and a cleaner look. That's why it doesn't unravel, nor deform; and arguably has superior quality compared to the runs of modern looms.
\n\nIn the early days of Japanese jeans manufacturing, these side stripes (most common in red and white tones) were used as a kind of identification tag, which differentiated denim manufacturing manufacturers, creating a unique and unique finish.
\n\nSelvedge denim has been the ideal fabric choice of premium denim makers around the world. And it is certainly an object of desire that hovers in the minds of denim lovers.
\n", "image_url"=>"//", "url"=>"/produto/kit-jogo-americano-porta-copo-selvedge-denim-kit-placemat-selvedge-denim-cup-holder-579", "tags"=>[{"name"=>"630", "title"=>"630", "subtitle"=>nil, "description"=>nil, "importance"=>nil, "type"=>nil, "image_url"=>nil}, {"name"=>"kitdrink", "title"=>"kitdrink", "subtitle"=>nil, "description"=>nil, "importance"=>nil, "type"=>nil, "image_url"=>nil}, {"name"=>"black2023-30", "title"=>"black2023-30", "subtitle"=>"", "description"=>nil, "importance"=>nil, "type"=>nil, "image_url"=>nil}, {"name"=>"black2023-40", "title"=>"black2023-40", "subtitle"=>"", "description"=>nil, "importance"=>nil, "type"=>nil, "image_url"=>nil}, {"name"=>"casa", "title"=>"Drinks e Produtos para sua casa ", "subtitle"=>"Drinks e Produtos para sua casa ", "description"=>"Drinks diferenciados, drinks para comprar e ter em casa | Compre online e receba seus Drinks em casa.
\n", "importance"=>0, "type"=>nil, "image_url"=>nil}], "price"=>289.0, "on_sale"=>false, "sale_price"=>289.0, "intl_price"=>0.0, "discount_id"=>0, "discount_rule"=>nil, "discount"=>nil, "images"=>[{"sku"=>nil, "url"=>"//"}, {"sku"=>nil, "url"=>"//"}, {"sku"=>nil, "url"=>"//"}, {"sku"=>nil, "url"=>"//"}, {"sku"=>nil, "url"=>"//"}, {"sku"=>nil, "url"=>"//"}], "attributes"=>{"attribute1"=>{"name"=>"Tamanho", "mandatory"=>true, "values"=>[]}, "attribute2"=>{"name"=>"Size", "mandatory"=>true, "values"=>[]}, "attribute3"=>{"name"=>"Preço internacional", "mandatory"=>false, "values"=>[]}}, "variants"=>[{"id"=>1680, "sku"=>"CLHB02", "sku_lowercase"=>"clhb02", "name"=>nil, "full_name"=>"Kit - Jogo americano+Porta copo Selvedge Denim | Kit - Placemat+Selvedge Denim Cup Holder", "main"=>true, "available"=>true, "image_url"=>nil, "price"=>289.0, "sale_price"=>289.0, "intl_price"=>0.0, "installments"=>[{"number"=>1, "price"=>289.0, "interest"=>false, "interest_rate"=>0, "total"=>289.0}], "stock"=>38, "quantity"=>38, "quantity_sold"=>0, "min_quantity"=>1, "available_quantity"=>38, "custom_attributes"=>nil, "attribute1"=>"", "attribute2"=>"", "attribute3"=>"75", "properties"=>{"property1"=>nil, "property2"=>nil, "property3"=>{"name"=>"Preço internacional", "value"=>"75", "defining"=>false}}, "inventories"=>[], "handling_days"=>0, "barcode"=>nil, "weight"=>1.0, "width"=>17.0, "height"=>17.0, "length"=>17.0, "restocking_enabled"=>false, "restocking_days"=>0}], "installments"=>[{"number"=>1, "price"=>289.0, "interest"=>false, "interest_rate"=>0, "total"=>289.0}], "created_at"=>"2021-12-16T09:32:35.772-03:00", "updated_at"=>"2023-11-26T00:01:02.041-03:00", "id"=>579}No universo denim, nem todo valor é visível a olho nu. Alguns legados são vistos apenas pelo coração dos denim lovers. O selvedge denim é um deles, fruto de um processo de fabricação icônico, que fala das origens mais genuínas e honestas do denim.
\nPorta copo 11,5x11,5 - 2und.
\nSelvedge (ou selvage) é o denim produzido em máquinas de teares antigos, reproduzindo seu modo de fabricação original. Aquele mesmo, da época em que o jeans era usado apenas para a indumentária de trabalho, antes de se tornar um ítem de moda global.
O denim selvedge é mais durável, possui acabamento superior e visual mais limpo. É por isso que ele não desfia, tampouco deforma; e indiscutivelmente possui qualidade superior, se comparado com as tiragens dos teares modernos.
\n\nNos primórdios da manufatura do jeans Japonês, essas listras laterais (mais comum em tom vermelho e branco), eram usadas como uma espécie de tag de identificação, que diferenciavam as manufaturas de fabricação de denim, criando uma acabamento próprio e único.
\n\nSelvedge denim tem sido a escolha ideal de tecido dos fabricantes de jeans premium em todo o mundo. E com certeza é um objeto de desejo que paira na mente dos denim lovers.
\n\nIn the denim universe, not every value is visible to the naked eye. Some legacies are seen only by the hearts of denim lovers. Selvedge denim is one of them, the result of an iconic manufacturing process, which speaks of the most genuine and honest origins of denim.
\n11,5x11,5 cup holder - 2und.
\nSelvedge (or selvage) is denim produced on old loom machines, reproducing its original manufacturing method. The same one, from the time when jeans were used only for work clothes, before becoming a global fashion item.
Selvedge denim is more durable, has a superior finish and a cleaner look. That's why it doesn't unravel, nor deform; and arguably has superior quality compared to the runs of modern looms.
\n\nIn the early days of Japanese jeans manufacturing, these side stripes (most common in red and white tones) were used as a kind of identification tag, which differentiated denim manufacturing manufacturers, creating a unique and unique finish.
\n\nSelvedge denim has been the ideal fabric choice of premium denim makers around the world. And it is certainly an object of desire that hovers in the minds of denim lovers.
\n", "image_url"=>"//", "url"=>"/produto/porta-copo-selvedge-denim-2und-selvedge-denim-cup-holder-2und-580", "tags"=>[{"name"=>"630", "title"=>"630", "subtitle"=>nil, "description"=>nil, "importance"=>nil, "type"=>nil, "image_url"=>nil}, {"name"=>"black2023-40", "title"=>"black2023-40", "subtitle"=>"", "description"=>nil, "importance"=>nil, "type"=>nil, "image_url"=>nil}, {"name"=>"black2023-30", "title"=>"black2023-30", "subtitle"=>"", "description"=>nil, "importance"=>nil, "type"=>nil, "image_url"=>nil}, {"name"=>"casa", "title"=>"Drinks e Produtos para sua casa ", "subtitle"=>"Drinks e Produtos para sua casa ", "description"=>"Drinks diferenciados, drinks para comprar e ter em casa | Compre online e receba seus Drinks em casa.
\n", "importance"=>1, "type"=>nil, "image_url"=>nil}], "price"=>68.0, "on_sale"=>false, "sale_price"=>68.0, "intl_price"=>0.0, "discount_id"=>0, "discount_rule"=>nil, "discount"=>nil, "images"=>[{"sku"=>nil, "url"=>"//"}, {"sku"=>nil, "url"=>"//"}, {"sku"=>nil, "url"=>"//"}], "attributes"=>{"attribute1"=>{"name"=>"Tamanho", "mandatory"=>true, "values"=>[]}, "attribute2"=>{"name"=>"Size", "mandatory"=>true, "values"=>[]}, "attribute3"=>{"name"=>"Preço internacional", "mandatory"=>false, "values"=>[]}}, "variants"=>[{"id"=>1681, "sku"=>"CLHB03", "sku_lowercase"=>"clhb03", "name"=>nil, "full_name"=>"Porta copo Selvedge Denim 2und. | Selvedge Denim Cup Holder 2und.", "main"=>true, "available"=>true, "image_url"=>nil, "price"=>68.0, "sale_price"=>68.0, "intl_price"=>0.0, "installments"=>[{"number"=>1, "price"=>68.0, "interest"=>false, "interest_rate"=>0, "total"=>68.0}], "stock"=>80, "quantity"=>80, "quantity_sold"=>0, "min_quantity"=>1, "available_quantity"=>80, "custom_attributes"=>nil, "attribute1"=>"", "attribute2"=>"", "attribute3"=>"25", "properties"=>{"property1"=>nil, "property2"=>nil, "property3"=>{"name"=>"Preço internacional", "value"=>"25", "defining"=>false}}, "inventories"=>[], "handling_days"=>0, "barcode"=>nil, "weight"=>1.0, "width"=>17.0, "height"=>17.0, "length"=>17.0, "restocking_enabled"=>false, "restocking_days"=>0}], "installments"=>[{"number"=>1, "price"=>68.0, "interest"=>false, "interest_rate"=>0, "total"=>68.0}], "created_at"=>"2021-12-16T09:32:36.001-03:00", "updated_at"=>"2023-11-26T00:01:02.069-03:00", "id"=>580}Os clássicos drinks reunidos um um único pack especial.
\n. 1und. Boulevardier 90ml
\n. 1und. Old Fashioned 90ml
\n. 1und. Negroni 90ml
\n. 1und. Fitzgerald 90ml
\n. 1und. Hirsch 90ml
\n. 1und. Laranjas Bahia
\n. 1und. Limões siciliano
\n\n. Bulleit Bourbon
\n. Campari
\n. Vermouth
\n. Angostura
\n\n. Bulleit Bourbon
\n. Xarope simples
\n. Angostura
\n. Dry Gin
\n. Campari
\n. Vermouth
\n. Angostura
\n\n. Dry Gin
\n. Xarope simples
\n. Angostura
\n\n. Dry Gin
\n. Macadâmia
\n\nThe classic drinks brought together a single special package.
\n. 1und. Boulevardier 90ml
\n. 1und. Old Fashioned 90ml
\n. 1und. Negroni 90ml
\n. 1und. Fitzgerald 90ml
\n. 1und. Hirsch 90ml
\n. 1und. Oranges Bahia
\n. 1und. Lemons
\n\n. Bulleit Bourbon
\n. Simple syrup
\n. Angostura
\n\n. Bulleit Bourbon
\n. Simple syrup
\n. Angostura
\n. Dry Gin
\n. Campari
\n. Vermouth
\n\n. Dry Gin
\n. Simple syrup
\n. Angostura
\n. Sicilian Lemon
\n\n. Dry Gin
\n. Macadamia
\n. Sicilian Lemon
Drinks diferenciados, drinks para comprar e ter em casa | Compre online e receba seus Drinks em casa.
\n", "importance"=>2, "type"=>nil, "image_url"=>nil}], "price"=>175.0, "on_sale"=>false, "sale_price"=>175.0, "intl_price"=>0.0, "discount_id"=>0, "discount_rule"=>nil, "discount"=>nil, "images"=>[{"sku"=>nil, "url"=>"//"}, {"sku"=>nil, "url"=>"//"}, {"sku"=>nil, "url"=>"//"}, {"sku"=>nil, "url"=>"//"}, {"sku"=>nil, "url"=>"//"}, {"sku"=>nil, "url"=>"//"}, {"sku"=>nil, "url"=>"//"}], "attributes"=>{"attribute1"=>{"name"=>"Tamanho", "mandatory"=>true, "values"=>[]}, "attribute2"=>{"name"=>"Size", "mandatory"=>true, "values"=>[]}, "attribute3"=>{"name"=>"Preço internacional", "mandatory"=>false, "values"=>[]}}, "variants"=>[{"id"=>1536, "sku"=>"CLHK01", "sku_lowercase"=>"clhk01", "name"=>"", "full_name"=>"Drinks Kit - Completo 5und. | Drinks Kit - Complete 5und.", "main"=>true, "available"=>true, "image_url"=>nil, "price"=>175.0, "sale_price"=>175.0, "intl_price"=>0.0, "installments"=>[{"number"=>1, "price"=>175.0, "interest"=>false, "interest_rate"=>0, "total"=>175.0}], "stock"=>10, "quantity"=>10, "quantity_sold"=>0, "min_quantity"=>1, "available_quantity"=>10, "custom_attributes"=>nil, "attribute1"=>nil, "attribute2"=>nil, "attribute3"=>"46", "properties"=>{"property1"=>nil, "property2"=>nil, "property3"=>{"name"=>"Preço internacional", "value"=>"46", "defining"=>false}}, "inventories"=>[], "handling_days"=>0, "barcode"=>"", "weight"=>1.0, "width"=>25.0, "height"=>25.0, "length"=>25.0, "restocking_enabled"=>false, "restocking_days"=>0}], "installments"=>[{"number"=>1, "price"=>175.0, "interest"=>false, "interest_rate"=>0, "total"=>175.0}], "created_at"=>"2020-08-03T19:36:03.603-03:00", "updated_at"=>"2024-09-14T11:32:14.381-03:00", "id"=>501}Escolha seus 5 drinks preferidos. Os clássicos drinks reunidos um um único pack especial.
\nAo finalizar a sua compra, informe no campo \"mensagem\" os drinks escolhidos\n
\n. 1und. Boulevardier 90ml
\n. 1und. Old Fashioned 90ml
\n. 1und. Negroni 90ml
\n. 1und. Fitzgerald 90ml
\n. 1und. Hirsch 90ml
\n. 1und. Laranjas Bahia
\n. 1und. Limões siciliano
\n\n. Bulleit Bourbon
\n. Xarope simples
\n. Angostura
\n\n. Bulleit Bourbon
\n. Xarope simples
\n. Angostura
\n. Dry Gin
\n. Campari
\n. Vermouth
\n\n. Dry Gin
\n. Xarope simples
\n. Angostura
\n. Limão Siciliano
\n\n. Dry Gin
\n. Macadâmia
\n. Limão Siciliano
\n\nThe classic drinks brought together a single special package.
\n. 1und. Boulevardier 90ml
\n. 1und. Old Fashioned 90ml
\n. 1und. Negroni 90ml
\n. 1und. Fitzgerald 90ml
\n. 1und. Hirsch 90ml
\n. 1und. Oranges Bahia
\n. 1und. Lemons
\n\n. Bulleit Bourbon
\n. Simple syrup
\n. Angostura
\n\n. Bulleit Bourbon
\n. Simple syrup
\n. Angostura
\n. Dry Gin
\n. Campari
\n. Vermouth
\n\n. Dry Gin
\n. Simple syrup
\n. Angostura
\n. Sicilian Lemon
\n\n. Dry Gin
\n. Macadamia
\n. Sicilian Lemon
Drinks diferenciados, drinks para comprar e ter em casa | Compre online e receba seus Drinks em casa.
\n", "importance"=>3, "type"=>nil, "image_url"=>nil}], "price"=>175.0, "on_sale"=>false, "sale_price"=>175.0, "intl_price"=>0.0, "discount_id"=>0, "discount_rule"=>nil, "discount"=>nil, "images"=>[{"sku"=>nil, "url"=>"//"}, {"sku"=>nil, "url"=>"//"}], "attributes"=>{"attribute1"=>{"name"=>"Tamanho", "mandatory"=>true, "values"=>[]}, "attribute2"=>{"name"=>"Size", "mandatory"=>true, "values"=>[]}, "attribute3"=>{"name"=>"Preço internacional", "mandatory"=>false, "values"=>[]}}, "variants"=>[{"id"=>1537, "sku"=>"CLHK02", "sku_lowercase"=>"clhk02", "name"=>"", "full_name"=>"Monte o seu Kit 5und. | Custom Kit 5und.", "main"=>true, "available"=>true, "image_url"=>nil, "price"=>175.0, "sale_price"=>175.0, "intl_price"=>0.0, "installments"=>[{"number"=>1, "price"=>175.0, "interest"=>false, "interest_rate"=>0, "total"=>175.0}], "stock"=>10, "quantity"=>10, "quantity_sold"=>0, "min_quantity"=>1, "available_quantity"=>10, "custom_attributes"=>nil, "attribute1"=>nil, "attribute2"=>nil, "attribute3"=>"37", "properties"=>{"property1"=>nil, "property2"=>nil, "property3"=>{"name"=>"Preço internacional", "value"=>"37", "defining"=>false}}, "inventories"=>[], "handling_days"=>0, "barcode"=>"", "weight"=>1.0, "width"=>25.0, "height"=>25.0, "length"=>25.0, "restocking_enabled"=>false, "restocking_days"=>0}], "installments"=>[{"number"=>1, "price"=>175.0, "interest"=>false, "interest_rate"=>0, "total"=>175.0}], "created_at"=>"2020-08-03T19:36:03.680-03:00", "updated_at"=>"2024-09-14T11:32:29.474-03:00", "id"=>502}O clássico drink Negroni
\n. Dry Gin
\n. Campari
\n. Vermouth
\n. Angostura
\n\nThe classic Negroni drink
\n. Dry Gin
\n. Campari
\n. Vermouth
Drinks diferenciados, drinks para comprar e ter em casa | Compre online e receba seus Drinks em casa.
\n", "importance"=>5, "type"=>nil, "image_url"=>nil}, {"name"=>"drink", "title"=>"drink", "subtitle"=>nil, "description"=>nil, "importance"=>5, "type"=>nil, "image_url"=>nil}], "price"=>35.0, "on_sale"=>false, "sale_price"=>35.0, "intl_price"=>0.0, "discount_id"=>0, "discount_rule"=>nil, "discount"=>nil, "images"=>[{"sku"=>nil, "url"=>"//"}, {"sku"=>nil, "url"=>"//"}, {"sku"=>nil, "url"=>"//"}], "attributes"=>{"attribute1"=>{"name"=>"Tamanho", "mandatory"=>true, "values"=>[]}, "attribute2"=>{"name"=>"Size", "mandatory"=>true, "values"=>[]}, "attribute3"=>{"name"=>"Preço internacional", "mandatory"=>false, "values"=>[]}}, "variants"=>[{"id"=>1459, "sku"=>"CLH10", "sku_lowercase"=>"clh10", "name"=>"", "full_name"=>"Drink Negroni 90ml | Drink Negroni 90ml", "main"=>true, "available"=>true, "image_url"=>nil, "price"=>35.0, "sale_price"=>35.0, "intl_price"=>0.0, "installments"=>[{"number"=>1, "price"=>35.0, "interest"=>false, "interest_rate"=>0, "total"=>35.0}], "stock"=>8, "quantity"=>8, "quantity_sold"=>0, "min_quantity"=>1, "available_quantity"=>8, "custom_attributes"=>nil, "attribute1"=>nil, "attribute2"=>nil, "attribute3"=>"5", "properties"=>{"property1"=>nil, "property2"=>nil, "property3"=>{"name"=>"Preço internacional", "value"=>"5", "defining"=>false}}, "inventories"=>[], "handling_days"=>0, "barcode"=>"", "weight"=>1.0, "width"=>17.0, "height"=>17.0, "length"=>17.0, "restocking_enabled"=>false, "restocking_days"=>0}], "installments"=>[{"number"=>1, "price"=>35.0, "interest"=>false, "interest_rate"=>0, "total"=>35.0}], "created_at"=>"2020-04-22T22:26:23.019-03:00", "updated_at"=>"2024-12-03T17:10:03.460-03:00", "id"=>465}Nosso drink especial da casa.
\n\n. Dry Gin
\n. Macadâmia
\n\n. Dry Gin
\n. Macadamia
Drinks diferenciados, drinks para comprar e ter em casa | Compre online e receba seus Drinks em casa.
\n", "importance"=>7, "type"=>nil, "image_url"=>nil}], "price"=>35.0, "on_sale"=>false, "sale_price"=>35.0, "intl_price"=>0.0, "discount_id"=>0, "discount_rule"=>nil, "discount"=>nil, "images"=>[{"sku"=>nil, "url"=>"//"}, {"sku"=>nil, "url"=>"//"}, {"sku"=>nil, "url"=>"//"}], "attributes"=>{"attribute1"=>{"name"=>"Tamanho", "mandatory"=>true, "values"=>[]}, "attribute2"=>{"name"=>"Size", "mandatory"=>true, "values"=>[]}, "attribute3"=>{"name"=>"Preço internacional", "mandatory"=>false, "values"=>[]}}, "variants"=>[{"id"=>1462, "sku"=>"CLH13", "sku_lowercase"=>"clh13", "name"=>"", "full_name"=>"Drink Hirsch 90ml | Drink Hirsch 90ml", "main"=>true, "available"=>true, "image_url"=>nil, "price"=>35.0, "sale_price"=>35.0, "intl_price"=>0.0, "installments"=>[{"number"=>1, "price"=>35.0, "interest"=>false, "interest_rate"=>0, "total"=>35.0}], "stock"=>7, "quantity"=>7, "quantity_sold"=>0, "min_quantity"=>1, "available_quantity"=>7, "custom_attributes"=>nil, "attribute1"=>nil, "attribute2"=>nil, "attribute3"=>"5", "properties"=>{"property1"=>nil, "property2"=>nil, "property3"=>{"name"=>"Preço internacional", "value"=>"5", "defining"=>false}}, "inventories"=>[], "handling_days"=>0, "barcode"=>"", "weight"=>1.0, "width"=>17.0, "height"=>17.0, "length"=>17.0, "restocking_enabled"=>false, "restocking_days"=>0}], "installments"=>[{"number"=>1, "price"=>35.0, "interest"=>false, "interest_rate"=>0, "total"=>35.0}], "created_at"=>"2020-04-22T22:39:34.037-03:00", "updated_at"=>"2024-11-30T13:40:03.079-03:00", "id"=>468}O clássico drink Old Fashioned
\n\n. Bulleit Bourbon
\n. Xarope simples
\n. Angostura
\n\nThe classic Old Fashioned drink
\n\n. Bulleit Bourbon
\n. Simple syrup
\n. Angostura
Drinks diferenciados, drinks para comprar e ter em casa | Compre online e receba seus Drinks em casa.
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\n\n. Bulleit Bourbon
\n. Campari
\n. Vermouth
\n. Angostura
\n\nThe classic Boulevardier drink
\n\n. Bulleit Bourbon
\n. Campari
\n. Vermouth
Drinks diferenciados, drinks para comprar e ter em casa | Compre online e receba seus Drinks em casa.
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\n\n. Dry Gin
\n. Xarope simples
\n. Angostura
\n\nThe classic Fitzgerald drink
\n\n. Dry Gin
\n. Simple syrup
\n. Angostura
Drinks diferenciados, drinks para comprar e ter em casa | Compre online e receba seus Drinks em casa.
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